Maia Vaughan

Administrative Assistant

Maia grew up on the North Shore and attended Rockridge Secondary. She is currently majoring in business administration with a minor in legal studies at Capilano University.

As our administrative assistant, Maia’s workday is spent engaging with clients via phone or email as well as assisting the practitioners. She thoroughly enjoys interacting with our clients and helping to impact people’s lives in a positive way. Maia also likes working within the team environment at Hear at Home Mobile Hearing Clinic.

Outside of work, Maia can be found studying and spending quality time with her bunny. Golfing, skiing, crocheting and reading are some of her favourite pastime activities.

Maia Vaughan, Administrative Assistant at Hear at Home Mobile Hearing Clinic

If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive), who would it be?

Ricky Gervais

What is your favourite food?


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?


What's your all-time favourite TV show/series?

The Office


You Asked, We Answer

Because hidden hearing loss is generally not detectable by standard testing, it can leave affected individuals baffled as to what the problem is.

What are the Causes and Effects of Hidden Hearing Loss?

Hidden hearing loss, as the name would indicate, is typically tricky to identify due to the nature of the condition...
Did you know that there are a variety of activities that older adults can implement into their lifestyle to sustain hearing and overall health?

Maintain Hearing Health With These Daily Activities

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Typically, cerumen expels itself on its own without any intervention but in some instances can accumulate and cause blockages.

Cerumen (Ear Wax) Buildup: Causes, Symptoms, and Removal

Hear at Home offers safe and effective cerumen removal services by a licensed and trained professional. These services are offered...