Hear at Home Helps with Social Assistance and Disability Coverage
Hearing instruments and associated repairs and supplies are available under the Employment and Assistance Regulation and Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation.
Assistive devices, equipment, and technology
Communication and hearing devices
Ergonomic supports and other personal devices
Interpreting and captioning services
Workplace access and modification.

Let Hear at Home Find Out If You Qualify
Hearing care and hearing aids represent a significant investment for which many individuals, especially those on a fixed income, need help. Fortunately, Hear at Home is a registered provider for Social Assistance and Disability benefits and we’re able to help locate financial assistance for hearing instruments and some services, such as repairs and battery replacements, either through the regional health authority or through private service providers.
If you or a loved one might require financial assistance for hearing care or hearing instruments, fill out and submit the adjacent form and one of our client care specialists will contact you with information regarding your next steps.
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