Jennifer Abbott

Consistency is Key to Optimizing Hearing Aid Performance
A common misconception about hearing aids is thinking that it is only necessary to wear them in situations where direct communication is occurring or in public settings. It may seem logical to think there is no need to wear hearing aids when there is no one else...

The 5 Stages of Grieving in Relation to Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is an extremely prevalent condition that will likely affect all of us to some degree at some point in our lives. Acknowledging and accepting hearing loss is more difficult for some people than others. Whether hearing loss occurs as part of the aging...

Elder Abuse Prevention – Knowing the Signs
Seniors are generally more vulnerable to a wide range of illness and injury which is often due to reduced physical strength, immune efficiency, and cognitive capacity. Unfortunately, this increased vulnerability also puts older adults at higher risk for being...

Do Hearing Aids Make Hearing Loss Worse?
Do Hearing Aids Make Hearing Loss Worse? A common concern among people experiencing hearing loss is whether wearing hearing aids will actually increase the level of hearing loss. This may be partially based on the notion that louder sounds can contribute to loss of...

Handling Hearing Loss in the Workplace
People who routinely work in noisy environments are at a higher risk for developing hearing loss. In many cases, people with a measurable amount of hearing loss are not even aware of the issue.Hearing Loss Statistics Canada Results from Canadian Health Measures...

Hearing Loss Can Increase Risk of Loneliness and Social Isolation
Untreated hearing loss can result in a wide range of problems and complications that may have a negative impact on daily life and contentment. The wide-reaching effects of hearing loss can be physical, mental, emotional, and social. Neglecting to take action when...

Cochlear Implants to Help Restore Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is a widespread condition that can affect people of all ages, often making it more difficult to carry out daily tasks and activities effectively. Depending on the nature and severity of hearing loss, there are numerous options available to help manage the...

Inserting the Phonak BTE RIC with a custom earmold correctly